About music
In this small article I would like to share my thoughts on music, namely, to make a small analysis of how it can and should be treated, what role music…

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Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like…


About the dangers of working in "star" teams
Many musicians who have never worked in the accompanying compositions of national pop stars naively believe that for the musician this is an undoubted success, contributing to further professional and…

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Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like…


sound again

Musical performance and its problems

Performance as a special kind of artistic activity does not exist in all arts. In painting,
for example, it is inseparable from creativity: to create a picture is what it means to “fulfill” it. Once, in music, the creation and performance of a piece were not separated from each other: in ancient times, a musician sang or played what he himself composed and improvised.
But the creation of a painter or sculptor is embodied in the material that preserves it for centuries, and the material of music (sound) lives while it sounds. Continue reading

This is a dirty, uncompromising and aggressive sound with a constantly pressing narrative, and for some reason it is precisely such compositions that succeed Gleb best. The last year's PHARAOH…


Basics of psychoacoustics
The task of the sound engineer, together with the composer and performer, is to create a sound image and transfer it to the listener with the help of sound recording,…


This is a dirty, uncompromising and aggressive sound with a constantly pressing narrative, and for some reason it is precisely such compositions that succeed Gleb best. The last year's PHARAOH…
