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Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like alternative styles, someone loves dance music, and some only fit calm melodic compositions.
Maybe someone from music lovers will think
– mixes, megamixes … and what is it? In order for you to find the answer to this question, read this article.
And so, what are the mixes.
Mix – translated from English, a cocktail, only in this case it is not a product of cooking, but a cocktail composed of music, one or different styles of dance music, and these cooks are called DJs (Dj) whose main task whether it is work in a club or studios are exactly in this and consist in beautifully bringing together (mixing) different musical tracks into a single whole – Mix! The exception to the rule can only be radio DJs, they have a slightly different goal.
How are mixes reduced?
In fact, there are several different ways to mix mixes.
Club DJs mix their mixes right during the discos, using vinyl or CD players for this, as well as vinyl DJ scratches, in addition to mixing the mixes, they also accompany the music tracks with played scratches.
Studio DJs reduce mixes in studios using special equipment and computers for this, which is why the mixes themselves, I personally divide into 2 main categories.
1. Club mixes – live, played at discos only for visitors of discos or parties of the club where the DJ works.
2. Studio mixes – usually mixed from hits of popular music for reviews of the charts of the month, year or even a decade.
Club mixes usually have no repetitions and the tracks can be made by DJs during the next disco or party in a different sequence, or some can be replaced by others.
It all depends on the willingness of the public to hear certain pieces of music and on the flight of DJ’s creative imagination.
Studio mixes are made for further replication and sales on digital or analog media, which we buy on CDs or vinyl is studio mixes.
Now is the time to go to the megamixes.
What are megamixes?
The prefix Mega – translated from English is big, giant, and applying it to the word Mix actually means a slightly different meaning.
MegaMix – means a super effective mix that can only be created by studio DJs, because besides the beautiful mix of tracks, all possible samples, effects, delays and scratches are superimposed on top. It’s just technically impossible to do it live, and the word big, gigantic, has the same meaning as “big man” that applies to people not for their height or size, but for his particular actions that have benefited society or a circle of people.
As an example of the difference between the mix and the megamix, I can give you the popular Max Mix disco in the 80s. Composed of 2 parts in which the same music tracks are contained, however, on the covers of vinyl records or CDs are clearly labeled:
1. Version Megamix, 2. Version Mix indicating their status, to the fact that musical compositions are composed differently. And indeed, when listening to these releases, the difference in the technique of mixing the megamix version and the mix version is very noticeable.
because in order to make a truly high-quality and spectacular megamix, much more effort and creative imagination is needed, and even though computers have become available for many nowadays, many different programs have appeared in stores (software for Dj) to make a good megamix still not easy
What are the useful mixes and megamixes for music lovers?
Well, firstly for a simple music lover, mixes will help broaden your horizons both in the knowledge of modern music and old music of the last century, because as mentioned above, mixes are usually collected from the best pieces of music of the month, year or whole decade, and it doesn’t matter if you listen to mixes in modern styles Techno, R & B or House or prefer the popular music of the 80s – Italo Disco and Eurobeat in mixes you can always find interesting tracks for yourself or you can remember and define the names of your favorite disco performers of the past years.
And the most important thing is that when, in the distant past, thanks to DJs and their creative work, the whole musical culture improved and moved forward, new styles of music appeared and developed.

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