When the melancholic post-punk had already gained its momentum, and the optimistic ethereal had not yet found all of its listeners, a new style of alternative rock appeared - dream…

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The emergence of folk punk was preceded by a wave of popularization of folk rock, as such. If there was an opportunity to return 60 years ago and find ourselves…


"Graduation" 10 years later
"Graduation", of course, was not the first loud disc in Kanye's discography. By 2007, the West had the hands of a full-fledged mainstream artist, who wasn’t playing a gangsta authenticity…

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Impressionism in music
Impressionism originated in France when a group of artists — C. Monet, C. Pissarro, A. Sis-ley, E. Degas, O. Renoir, and others — performed their original paintings at Paris exhibitions…


main reason

Top foreign nonformat albums

A bit late, but still publish our top for 2017 from the best foreign releases that do not have (or have a minimal) relation to hip-hop and are usually published under our regular column #Neformat.
Gord Downie – Introduce Yerself
October 17, died Canadian musician Gord Downey. His death did not come as a surprise, because back in May of 2016, he was diagnosed with brain cancer in an advanced stage. A week after the death of the artist, his latest album “Introduce Yerself” (“Imagine Yourself”) was released, and he began working on it with the frontman Broken Social Scene after learning about the impending death. As it becomes clear from the introductory part – the disc is entirely composed of elegies, so that depression and melancholy come through from every line, every word and chord. Continue reading


Infinite traveling around the world and daily concerts every time in new places: a significant part of the life of popular musicians goes on touring tours. But sometimes it happens that a tour becomes fateful for its members or even for the whole history of music. Below are five stories about such tours.
The fifties who introduced the world to rock and roll left a legacy in the form of many talented musicians. Among them was the American Roy Orbison, who in 1963 decided to go to the UK. At the same time, in the Foggy Albion, the group The Beatles was gaining popularity, whose young members were big fans of Orbison. Continue reading


Shugeyz is a genre of music whose exact description will not be found. In order to understand approximately what is at stake, you can imagine a distant song, the words of which you cannot make out, heard outside the window in a room on the outskirts of the city, where you sit alone on Friday evening. Schuizezers create similar moods with the help of their guitars and … something else, no less important, and even giving rise to the name of the entire direction.
Literally “shoegaze” or “shoegazing,” as it would be more correct to “look at your shoes.” British journalists described with this word the concerts that are going on according to this scenario: four guys of plain appearance, also just dressed, hold guitars and look at their feet. True, the thing is that the guys look is chained to the guitar pedals, without which everything started would have no meaning. Continue reading

Musical career
It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that…


Rock, very much alive
It seems to me that these words are a great start to the topic of "Rock". Moreover, rock is considered a youth culture because ... No! Let it be one…


Enhancer, exciter and tube amplifier - what is in common?
An exciter (also called Exciter), also called harmonic exciter, psychoacoustic processor, enhancer and acoustic aural exciter, is a processing device used to harmoniously synthesize high-frequency signals using thin harmonic distortion.…
