"Graduation" 10 years later
"Graduation", of course, was not the first loud disc in Kanye's discography. By 2007, the West had the hands of a full-fledged mainstream artist, who wasn’t playing a gangsta authenticity…

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Perhaps artists can be divided into two types: some release fresh releases along with a fresh calendar, others make them wait for their new products for years. 2017 has already…


A lot has already been written about the reasons that prompted young people to come out to protest against corruption, but one of the main aspects - the impact on…

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What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…


current shugeyz

Loqiemean – «COWL2KA»

With the second “Agenda” it turned out more prosaic than with the first. Pure mathematical calculation: 9 tracks, 3 good, 3 excellent and 3 bad. Let’s figure out who is who.
A LITTLE ENTRY: For what (besides music) you really can respect and love Lokimin, so much for how sincere and open he is to his audience. Without false hypocrisy and pathos, he managed to create a unique biosystem within his STAI, bringing the listener-musician relationship to almost perfect condition in the era of social networks with the help of his Twitter. Despite the fact that Roma has not so many subscribers, compared to many stars of the genre of our days, their howls are louder than 30 thousand reposts and news about broken reposts, because they are devoted to their idol .. no, not an idol, but a friend, a real fellow like real dogs and willing to drown for his success free of charge, display the hashtag # Hang in social networks tops, distribute his tracks to all corners of the Internet, forcing all her friends to listen to the “Queen” and create such hype in the media field, what about the long-awaited exit the very same “poves2ki »Absolutely all Internet users will find out. Continue reading

Istria Deep Purple

In March 1968, a group composed of Richie Blackmore – lead guitar, John Lord – organ, backing vocals, Rod Evans – vocals, Nikki Simper – bass, backing vocals, Ian Pace – drums. A new group at the suggestion of Richie decided to call “Deep Purple”. This title was taken from an old song that Grandma Richie loved to listen to.
Richie Blackmore (Ritchie Blackmore) – was born in the English province on April 14, 1945. Already in his youth, he demonstrated a virtuoso possession of a guitar, which caused the desire of many beginning groups in England to have such a solo guitarist in his group. Continue reading


It happens that the fashion for old things is back. This happens with music. Recently, post-punk is gaining increasing popularity, starting with narrow circles, and, gradually, capturing all the new listeners.
What is this genre? First, a little history for people who have no idea about it. Post-punk is a genre of music that appeared in the UK in the late 1970s as a derivative of punk rock. However, these areas are very different from each other. Punk bands deliberately used simple musical arrangements without resorting to complex guitar solos. Continue reading

Rock, very much alive
It seems to me that these words are a great start to the topic of "Rock". Moreover, rock is considered a youth culture because ... No! Let it be one…


What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…


The emergence of folk punk was preceded by a wave of popularization of folk rock, as such. If there was an opportunity to return 60 years ago and find ourselves…
