About the dangers of working in "star" teams
Many musicians who have never worked in the accompanying compositions of national pop stars naively believe that for the musician this is an undoubted success, contributing to further professional and…

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"Graduation" 10 years later
"Graduation", of course, was not the first loud disc in Kanye's discography. By 2007, the West had the hands of a full-fledged mainstream artist, who wasn’t playing a gangsta authenticity…


Sympho-electronic music
Electronic music is music whose creation uses electronic musical instruments and technology. Electronic music consists of sounds that are formed using electronic technologies and electromechanical musical instruments. Examples of electromechanical…

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Shugeyz is a genre of music whose exact description will not be found. In order to understand approximately what is at stake, you can imagine a distant song, the words…



Digital Labels – Quantity vs. Quality

Digital music labels today – almost a pattern, with the universal access to the Internet, as a means of quickly obtaining music. Around the world, in the course of several years of the development of digital distribution of music files, the number of digital labels has gained an incredible scale – hundreds of thousands of them, from releasing one release throughout their existence to releasing releases weekly. Russia boom of digital labels also did not pass. Having your own music label in the careers of DJs and musicians was just as necessary a continuation as, for example, writing and producing music.
The reasons for the mass use of the opportunity to open your label are quite understandable and justified: many have gone through refusals to release their music on major labels, many lack the musical material that would meet the requirements and match the musical taste to play, many just want to control their profits from sales of their creativity. Continue reading

What is an equalizer?

Equalizer (English equalize – “equalize”, the general abbreviation – “EQ”), timbre is a device or a computer program that allows you to increase or decrease the volume of individual zones of the frequency range, equalize the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the audio signal, that is, correct it (signal) amplitude selectively, depending on the frequency.
Born in the 30s, the equalizer is the oldest and most commonly used sound engineer for sound processing. Today, the market lacks a variety of instruments for timbre correction – from a simple low-frequency treble corrector of the 50s to a sophisticated multi-band equalizer with perfect parametric. Continue reading


Infinite traveling around the world and daily concerts every time in new places: a significant part of the life of popular musicians goes on touring tours. But sometimes it happens that a tour becomes fateful for its members or even for the whole history of music. Below are five stories about such tours.
The fifties who introduced the world to rock and roll left a legacy in the form of many talented musicians. Among them was the American Roy Orbison, who in 1963 decided to go to the UK. At the same time, in the Foggy Albion, the group The Beatles was gaining popularity, whose young members were big fans of Orbison. Continue reading

Istria Deep Purple
In March 1968, a group composed of Richie Blackmore - lead guitar, John Lord - organ, backing vocals, Rod Evans - vocals, Nikki Simper - bass, backing vocals, Ian Pace…


Guitar Mastery
It is known that every beginner guitarist at the beginning of his training is at a kind of fork (intersection). He faces a series of questions. For example, such as:…


Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like…
