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Digital Labels – Quantity vs. Quality

Digital music labels today – almost a pattern, with the universal access to the Internet, as a means of quickly obtaining music. Around the world, in the course of several years of the development of digital distribution of music files, the number of digital labels has gained an incredible scale – hundreds of thousands of them, from releasing one release throughout their existence to releasing releases weekly. Russia boom of digital labels also did not pass. Having your own music label in the careers of DJs and musicians was just as necessary a continuation as, for example, writing and producing music.
The reasons for the mass use of the opportunity to open your label are quite understandable and justified: many have gone through refusals to release their music on major labels, many lack the musical material that would meet the requirements and match the musical taste to play, many just want to control their profits from sales of their creativity. And finally, many people want to discover new names of talented musicians, and have a point in their biography that makes them “more meaningful”. But if you look at what the situation with the distribution of digital labels in the music market has led to, then the question arises: why does everyone think that he can do what he really doesn’t, and his inability leads the market to glut with a low-quality product?
Most of the current digital labels are a gray mass, which is not distinguished either by the quality of the releases, nor by the competitiveness in the music market, nor by the presence of the demanded release authors, nor by the management at least a little bit sane. And this is a very bad trend, which suggests that those who are starting to issue releases have no desire to raise the bar of their performance and the desire to gain knowledge in this area in order to develop their label in the usual way. Before you open your own label, people who really realize what they are doing and what they do, spend months studying the market, consult with those who produce releases for the first year, collect information about trends, understand every detail. which is an integral part of this business. But most of the newly-minted “publishers” believe that the digital label is very simple: “I found the track, I listened – I signed it, I sent it to the DJs — I put it on sale — I received a couple of dozen USD, if I sold it — if not for sale — I forgot .
Why do I think that opening digital labels is detrimental to the music industry as a whole? Because people who began to influence the musical tastes of consumers through the release of their label themselves often suffer from the absence of any musical taste. There is an intermediary between the proposal of the digital label and the consumer – the DJ who chooses whether he will play this or that release or not. But few people would argue with the fact that a DJ-DJ is different, and many are guided in choosing not only, unfortunately, to their own taste, but also to how well the label’s name is promoted, who owns this label, and what kind of relationship with the owner of the label, with the author of the release, and other parameters, which, sometimes, have nothing to do with the quality of the music.
But at the same time, I am against the monopolization of the music market by large record companies that do not allow musicians and projects writing unpopular music to realize their potential. However, large record companies have one indisputable advantage over small digital labels, which the latter should adopt – decisions about the release of a release there are not made by one person who suffers from taste. Before releasing something, record companies conduct small marketing research to understand how much the release will be in demand among the audience. Large record companies make a promotional campaign for the intended release, and according to its results they already make a decision on release, and digital labels make promotional campaigns of the upcoming release, which gives rise to hundreds and thousands of failed releases. Large record companies are building their promotional campaigns based on the maximum possibilities of conveying information about music, and for some reason digital labels are content with a small – minimal set of Internet tools used by their owners, and for some reason try to expand these funds. do not want, or can not. Large record companies are building a marketing strategy for each of their own releases, while digital labels are promoting each new release in a rolling scheme, which, respectively, is designed for the same small number of consumers.
And the owners of the labels, who call the publication of music a hobby, are absolutely incomprehensible to me! If music is a hobby for you, then why go to the big distribution where people do business? Why sign contracts with the authors, knowingly promising to make a profit from sales, while doing nothing right.

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