For several years now, Bring Me the Horizon hasn’t cut metalcore, and Valentine Strykalo hasn’t released daring songs about Sergei and eyebrows. In the musical environment, creative changes are constantly…

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XXXtentacion – «? (Question Mark)»
Tentacion has big ambitions and tries to create an important look around his albums, exposing the music to be thoughtful, extremely emotional and, most importantly, honest. You listen to the…


Enhancer, exciter and tube amplifier - what is in common?
An exciter (also called Exciter), also called harmonic exciter, psychoacoustic processor, enhancer and acoustic aural exciter, is a processing device used to harmoniously synthesize high-frequency signals using thin harmonic distortion.…

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How Outkast Ahead of Your Time
In our latitudes, the Outkast duo always knew the public from exactly one song (which, however, absolutely everyone knows), well, and occasionally someone might recall the single from the multi-platinum…


honest answer

Musical performance and its problems

Performance as a special kind of artistic activity does not exist in all arts. In painting,
for example, it is inseparable from creativity: to create a picture is what it means to “fulfill” it. Once, in music, the creation and performance of a piece were not separated from each other: in ancient times, a musician sang or played what he himself composed and improvised.
But the creation of a painter or sculptor is embodied in the material that preserves it for centuries, and the material of music (sound) lives while it sounds. Continue reading

Klaus Schulze. About music.

Any music, except dance, which is intended directly for dancing, seems to me, intended for the spirit of man, and not for the body. There is a lot of music that doesn’t make much sense, it serves mainly for entertainment. However, some music has a higher mood, it is usually called “serious music” and it can also be interesting …
Most of my listeners told me that your music is more music for the soul than music for the body. Do you agree with this? Does she express feelings that you have ever wanted to share? Continue reading

This is a dirty, uncompromising and aggressive sound with a constantly pressing narrative, and for some reason it is precisely such compositions that succeed Gleb best. The last year's PHARAOH…


Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like…


Digital Labels - Quantity vs. Quality
Digital music labels today - almost a pattern, with the universal access to the Internet, as a means of quickly obtaining music. Around the world, in the course of several…
