About the dangers of working in "star" teams
Many musicians who have never worked in the accompanying compositions of national pop stars naively believe that for the musician this is an undoubted success, contributing to further professional and…

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DIY (from English do it yourself) is a popular phenomenon among young people, the basis of which is the production of any kind of product with their own hands. However,…


What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…

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Ritchie blackmore
"Thank you ... Of course, my father - for the fact that he bought me a guitar, with which it all started ..." Ritchie Blackmore's thanks to last disc Rainbow…


causes some

XXXtentacion – «? (Question Mark)»

Tentacion has big ambitions and tries to create an important look around his albums, exposing the music to be thoughtful, extremely emotional and, most importantly, honest. You listen to the album, but it is very difficult to catch this very emotional state, because there is no solid vibe here – everything is cut into small pieces, which is why its mood resembles a timelapse of a raging ocean.
The main problem of the debut album XXXtentacion is considered to be its short duration and a meager set of words with the help of which the artist tries to establish contact with his listener. Continue reading

Enhancer, exciter and tube amplifier - what is in common?
An exciter (also called Exciter), also called harmonic exciter, psychoacoustic processor, enhancer and acoustic aural exciter, is a processing device used to harmoniously synthesize high-frequency signals using thin harmonic distortion.…


The emergence of folk punk was preceded by a wave of popularization of folk rock, as such. If there was an opportunity to return 60 years ago and find ourselves…


Shugeyz is a genre of music whose exact description will not be found. In order to understand approximately what is at stake, you can imagine a distant song, the words…
