Enhancer, exciter and tube amplifier - what is in common?
An exciter (also called Exciter), also called harmonic exciter, psychoacoustic processor, enhancer and acoustic aural exciter, is a processing device used to harmoniously synthesize high-frequency signals using thin harmonic distortion.…

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What is an equalizer?
Equalizer (English equalize - “equalize”, the general abbreviation - “EQ”), timbre is a device or a computer program that allows you to increase or decrease the volume of individual zones…


About the dangers of working in "star" teams
Many musicians who have never worked in the accompanying compositions of national pop stars naively believe that for the musician this is an undoubted success, contributing to further professional and…

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Questions and answers on musical vocals
How fast can you learn to sing? It all depends on your voice natural data. Usually, vocal training takes 2-5 years. But in fact, the improvement of the voice continues…


orchestra accompanying

Music perception

The singing voice is the most subtle musical instrument. A large degree of emotional impact is explained by the fact that both aesthetic and semantic information affect a person’s mind and feelings, the latter being distinguished, as a rule, also by a high artistic value, if outstanding poetic works are chosen for it.
The physical data of singing voices include, first of all, high-altitude (frequency) and dynamic ranges. The altitude range is usually less than two octaves, and dynamic – 35 dB. The timbre properties of a singing voice are determined by the composition and intensity of the overtones. According to the frequency range, there are three main groups of female voices, three – male and two – children’s.
Voice type Frequency range, Hz
Soprano 262 … 1318
Mezzo-soprano 220 … 1048
The contralto 175 … 784
Tenor 131 … 587 Continue reading

What is an equalizer?
Equalizer (English equalize - “equalize”, the general abbreviation - “EQ”), timbre is a device or a computer program that allows you to increase or decrease the volume of individual zones…


Simultaneously with the creation of the synthesizer, one of the most popular musical genres today was launched. Mid Twentieth Century. The stage has already been filled with glamorous brilliance of…


A lot has already been written about the reasons that prompted young people to come out to protest against corruption, but one of the main aspects - the impact on…
