This is a dirty, uncompromising and aggressive sound with a constantly pressing narrative, and for some reason it is precisely such compositions that succeed Gleb best. The last year's PHARAOH…

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When the melancholic post-punk had already gained its momentum, and the optimistic ethereal had not yet found all of its listeners, a new style of alternative rock appeared - dream…


Digital Labels - Quantity vs. Quality
Digital music labels today - almost a pattern, with the universal access to the Internet, as a means of quickly obtaining music. Around the world, in the course of several…

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It happens that the fashion for old things is back. This happens with music. Recently, post-punk is gaining increasing popularity, starting with narrow circles, and, gradually, capturing all the new…


elusive rhythms

Musical career

It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that not every performer is able to figure out what is actually written in the contract. There are too many points, the language is difficult and boring.
Cindy Lazzari, a lawyer specializing in the music industry, says: “When people bring me contracts that offer labels to them and start reading them with me, they are just overwhelmed:” We were going to sign this because many people do that, “they say these young musicians. Often they sign all the conditions and then complain all their life. ” Continue reading

Impressionism in music

Impressionism originated in France when a group of artists — C. Monet, C. Pissarro, A. Sis-ley, E. Degas, O. Renoir, and others — performed their original paintings at Paris exhibitions of the 1970s. Their art was very different from the smoothed and faceless works of the then painters and academics: the Impressionists left the workshops to the open air, learned to reproduce the play of the living colors of nature, the sparkle of sunlight, colorful highlights on the moving river surface, the diversity of the festive crowd. Painters used a special technique of fluent spots and brushstrokes, which seemed disorderly near, and at a distance gave rise to a real feeling of a lively play of colors, bizarre modulations of light. The freshness of an instant impression was combined in their canvases with the subtlety and refinement of psychological moods. Continue reading

Sympho-electronic music
Electronic music is music whose creation uses electronic musical instruments and technology. Electronic music consists of sounds that are formed using electronic technologies and electromechanical musical instruments. Examples of electromechanical…


Musical career
It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that…


DIY (from English do it yourself) is a popular phenomenon among young people, the basis of which is the production of any kind of product with their own hands. However,…
