Ritchie blackmore
"Thank you ... Of course, my father - for the fact that he bought me a guitar, with which it all started ..." Ritchie Blackmore's thanks to last disc Rainbow…

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What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…


Basics of psychoacoustics
The task of the sound engineer, together with the composer and performer, is to create a sound image and transfer it to the listener with the help of sound recording,…

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About music
In this small article I would like to share my thoughts on music, namely, to make a small analysis of how it can and should be treated, what role music…


margin collection

Review: Drake – Scorpion

As sometimes happens, Drake’s symbolic infallibility cracked, and the fruit was an album that drastically lowers the listener from heaven to earth – nothing is more everyday and sobering than the stuffy, insincere dude who tries to put himself in a favorable light.
If I were offered to describe Drake’s “Scorpion” in one epithet, I would say that the disc is unfair, and at once in every sense of the word. This is probably the worst thing that can be said about the Drake album due to the niche it occupies in contemporary pop culture. There are three reasons for this:
1. What Drake sings about Continue reading

Rock clubs as a phenomenon emerged in the Soviet Union under the very curtain of its existence, partially adopting the features of its Western counterparts, but on the whole became…


It happens that the fashion for old things is back. This happens with music. Recently, post-punk is gaining increasing popularity, starting with narrow circles, and, gradually, capturing all the new…


Perhaps artists can be divided into two types: some release fresh releases along with a fresh calendar, others make them wait for their new products for years. 2017 has already…
