Guitar Mastery
It is known that every beginner guitarist at the beginning of his training is at a kind of fork (intersection). He faces a series of questions. For example, such as:…

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Infinite traveling around the world and daily concerts every time in new places: a significant part of the life of popular musicians goes on touring tours. But sometimes it happens…


Hits are born at home
The problem of learning is one of the most important, but, unfortunately, the least lit, which often leads to deplorable results in terms of creative growth: without setting the proper…

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What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…



Music perception

The singing voice is the most subtle musical instrument. A large degree of emotional impact is explained by the fact that both aesthetic and semantic information affect a person’s mind and feelings, the latter being distinguished, as a rule, also by a high artistic value, if outstanding poetic works are chosen for it.
The physical data of singing voices include, first of all, high-altitude (frequency) and dynamic ranges. The altitude range is usually less than two octaves, and dynamic – 35 dB. The timbre properties of a singing voice are determined by the composition and intensity of the overtones. According to the frequency range, there are three main groups of female voices, three – male and two – children’s.
Voice type Frequency range, Hz
Soprano 262 … 1318
Mezzo-soprano 220 … 1048
The contralto 175 … 784
Tenor 131 … 587 Continue reading

Impressionism in music
Impressionism originated in France when a group of artists — C. Monet, C. Pissarro, A. Sis-ley, E. Degas, O. Renoir, and others — performed their original paintings at Paris exhibitions…


The emergence of folk punk was preceded by a wave of popularization of folk rock, as such. If there was an opportunity to return 60 years ago and find ourselves…


How Outkast Ahead of Your Time
In our latitudes, the Outkast duo always knew the public from exactly one song (which, however, absolutely everyone knows), well, and occasionally someone might recall the single from the multi-platinum…
