Saturation point
I don’t know how objective my subjective pessimism is, but the ghost of a certain decline has been stubbornly seeing me for the last few years. Atrophy of musical perception?…

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Sympho-electronic music
Electronic music is music whose creation uses electronic musical instruments and technology. Electronic music consists of sounds that are formed using electronic technologies and electromechanical musical instruments. Examples of electromechanical…


Why all the same noise music?
This article will discuss not so much about noise, as you might think, after reading the title, but about the music played by the musicians and the musicians themselves. The…

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Guitar Mastery
It is known that every beginner guitarist at the beginning of his training is at a kind of fork (intersection). He faces a series of questions. For example, such as:…




Popular music of the past and present century has many different styles and trends, and each music lover has his own preferences for one or another direction. Some people like alternative styles, someone loves dance music, and some only fit calm melodic compositions.
Maybe someone from music lovers will think
– mixes, megamixes … and what is it? In order for you to find the answer to this question, read this article. Continue reading

Perhaps artists can be divided into two types: some release fresh releases along with a fresh calendar, others make them wait for their new products for years. 2017 has already…


About music
In this small article I would like to share my thoughts on music, namely, to make a small analysis of how it can and should be treated, what role music…


Enhancer, exciter and tube amplifier - what is in common?
An exciter (also called Exciter), also called harmonic exciter, psychoacoustic processor, enhancer and acoustic aural exciter, is a processing device used to harmoniously synthesize high-frequency signals using thin harmonic distortion.…
