Infinite traveling around the world and daily concerts every time in new places: a significant part of the life of popular musicians goes on touring tours. But sometimes it happens…

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How Outkast Ahead of Your Time
In our latitudes, the Outkast duo always knew the public from exactly one song (which, however, absolutely everyone knows), well, and occasionally someone might recall the single from the multi-platinum…


Who will protect the music?
The author of the article "The Age of Electronic Music" believes that the music for acoustic instruments, the highest achievement of which he considers symphonic music, is in the past.…

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Top of the most anticipated releases of 2018 in foreign rap
The first half of the 2018th gave us a large number of large-caliber releases from leading rap players, many of whom brought their projects to the ideal for years. But…


expressive artist

Questions and answers on musical vocals

How fast can you learn to sing?
It all depends on your voice natural data. Usually, vocal training takes 2-5 years. But in fact, the improvement of the voice continues throughout life, if regular classes and training are held.
What stage of voice development is fundamental?
Starting period! Without laying the foundation, do not expect success. Expressing aphoristic, teaching in youth is stone carving, in old age drawing on the sand. The first vocal steps outline and consolidate neuromuscular coordination. If the initial coordination is flawed, then with further straightening, these connections do not disappear, but are only covered by new skills and recur in adverse conditions. Initial impressions often create shock associations, produce persistent conditioned reflexes at the subconscious level. Continue reading

XXXtentacion – «? (Question Mark)»
Tentacion has big ambitions and tries to create an important look around his albums, exposing the music to be thoughtful, extremely emotional and, most importantly, honest. You listen to the…


The emergence of folk punk was preceded by a wave of popularization of folk rock, as such. If there was an opportunity to return 60 years ago and find ourselves…


Simultaneously with the creation of the synthesizer, one of the most popular musical genres today was launched. Mid Twentieth Century. The stage has already been filled with glamorous brilliance of…
