Guitar Mastery
It is known that every beginner guitarist at the beginning of his training is at a kind of fork (intersection). He faces a series of questions. For example, such as:…

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About music
In this small article I would like to share my thoughts on music, namely, to make a small analysis of how it can and should be treated, what role music…


Musical career
It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that…

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The music industry is not always loyal to the lazy and ragged, and managers and producers do not always want to risk their wallet for insane ideas of unknown musicians.…


amplifiers have

Top foreign nonformat albums

A bit late, but still publish our top for 2017 from the best foreign releases that do not have (or have a minimal) relation to hip-hop and are usually published under our regular column #Neformat.
Gord Downie – Introduce Yerself
October 17, died Canadian musician Gord Downey. His death did not come as a surprise, because back in May of 2016, he was diagnosed with brain cancer in an advanced stage. A week after the death of the artist, his latest album “Introduce Yerself” (“Imagine Yourself”) was released, and he began working on it with the frontman Broken Social Scene after learning about the impending death. As it becomes clear from the introductory part – the disc is entirely composed of elegies, so that depression and melancholy come through from every line, every word and chord. Continue reading

M.I.A. vs. Everybody: how female rap fights the world system

Matangi “Maya” Arulpragasam – a girl born in London in a family of Tamil activists, famous for her daring deeds and remarkable talent. Singer, producer, clipmaker, designer, artist, rapper, loving provocative punches on the topic of the day, and political activist. In addition to the memorable eclectic style of music, in which she combines the motifs of ethnic music of the peoples of the east, hip-hop, electronics, world-class beats and reggae with acute social implications, Maia created a memorable image of a principled and wise girl who is constantly struggling with a ruthless political machine and injustice. Continue reading

Your child and music

Whether to teach a child to read and write, whether to teach him algebra, chemistry, history, finally, whether to teach him to jump over the “goat” – all these issues usually do not arise in the family: they are centrally resolved by society and, one must think, irrevocably. But in the most important question for the development of a child, whether he will receive a musical education, to what extent and what quality, complete freedom of choice is left. And the decision is made by parents who are little prepared for this independently, in each case individually and, unfortunately, they often decide incorrectly. Everything depends on a measure of understanding the consequences of this decision for the whole future spiritual life of their children. Alas, in many cases the measure of understanding is low. Continue reading

DIY (from English do it yourself) is a popular phenomenon among young people, the basis of which is the production of any kind of product with their own hands. However,…


The music industry is not always loyal to the lazy and ragged, and managers and producers do not always want to risk their wallet for insane ideas of unknown musicians.…


What is a stylish record?
Sound recording already exists a sufficient amount of time for certain standards and foundations to appear in this area. The concept of "competent" recording may include various parameters of the…
